Available Now (4/1/2012) ...

    ... the Lionel Consumer Publications

            Digital Archive 1937 - 1969!!!

Lionel L.L.C. has tapped Hybrid Systems Ltd., Inc.
as an "Officially Licensed Partner" to develop and market the Lionel Consumer Publications Digital Archive 1937 - 1969!!

Our Lionel digital archive excursion has taken us through much great material! It would be easy to assert that some of Lionel's greatest publication efforts were their consumer catalogs. Filled with fanciful artwork, young boys could not help but to be drawn to the underlying product Lionel was selling. Yes, trains, track, and accessories were the primary subject matter but Lionel was also selling dreams ... dreams about commandeering a bright shiny new diesel or steam locomotive with a long freight or passenger consist through a rugged countryside ... dreams about building a miniature empire based on real-life railroading scenes ... dreams about owning multiple engines, lots of rolling stock, accessories, etc. Lionel reinforced those dreams through advertising in various magazines and newspapers. Nurturing those dreams made for good business!

Once those dreams were in place, Lionel realized that young hobbyists needed more than just "hardware" — trains, track, accessories, etc. Ultimately, these components had to jell into a much bigger whole — namely a layout or pike! Lionel deftly introduced The Lionel Magazine and Model Builder to help with this construction phase. Along the way, these publications also taught about real railroading. After all, we were trying to recreate a miniature, realistic railroad!

While covering the bases with annual catalogs and the highly acclaimed magazine series (The Lionel Magazine and Model Builder) that ran from 1930 - 1949, Lionel continued to publish a variety of books and pamphlets. These miscellaneous type publications ranged from track layout planning booklets to product introductions to books containing photographs of both real trains and toy train layouts to compilations of articles from the Model Builder series. Usually, these publications were available very inexpensively and often times were included in the annual catalog mailing as a bonus. It was all part of the great marketing machine that was Lionel.

Some of these publications fit comfortably as bonus material in previous Lionel / HSL digital archive products. However, it seemed appropriate that those items already digitized and the numerous consumer publications we had yet to digitize deserved their own digital compilation. Therefore, we have created this Lionel Consumer Publication Digital Archive 1937 - 1969.

Lionel Consumer Publications Digital Archive 1937 - 1969!

The Lionel Consumer Publications Digital Archive 1937 - 1969 contains the following material:

Plus, a bonus section contains mailing envelopes, order forms, and other neat material!

All of this in one concise, thorough, easy-to-use product!

Lionel Consumer Publications Digital Archive 1937 - 1969 Price:

Shipping and Handling:

Order Information:
Sorry ... as of 9/30/2014 this product is no longer available.
HSL accepts checks, money orders, credit cards, and payments through PayPal. HSL is now accepting orders for immediate shipment!
Testimonials and User Comments: Click HERE to see what clients are saying about other HSL digital archive products!

Lionel Consumer Publications Digital Archive Features:
  • includes every page of every publication
  • graphical selection of catalogs by cover and year
  • consumer publications searchable table of contents:
    • articles and chapters
  • navigate easily between catalogs and "regular features" -- very easy to use!
  • print any page
  • HTML-based -- works with your web browser
  • compatible with both Mac OS and MS-Windows
Testimonials and User Comments: If you are not familiar with HSL, click HERE for Lionel Consumer Catalog Digital Archive comments, click HERE for Toy Trains Digital Archive comments or click HERE for OGR Digital Archive comments to see what clients are saying about HSL digital archive products!

Dear Fellow Hobbyist,

I am excited to offer you this new Lionel digital archive product from HSL! If you are a Lionel postwar fan or just interested in toy train history in general, you must strongly consider this new archive!

It has been my pleasure to make these digital archive products available to you. They are a great way to preserve important pieces of toy train history. The portfolio of HSL digital archive products is growing! If you are not familiar with the Toy Trains Digital Archive, the OGR Digital Archive, the Lionel Magazine Digital Archive, the Lionel Catalog Archive, or the Lionel Postwar Service Manual Digital Archive please check the HSL web-site home page (www.hslinc.com).

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your support.

John H. Holtmann, Jr.
TCA 06-59745, LCCA 27042
Train Hobby Digital Archive Product Author

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